Beyond Education
The podcast explores aspects of recruitment and retention in education, including topical news and in-depth discussion with industry experts.
11 episodes
HR Leaders Roundtable April 2021
What happens when you gather a select, cross section of HR Leaders to discuss current issues on all things HR?Recruitment Director, Liz Nevitt, speaks to a panel of experts to explore areas on Inclusion & Diversity, Mental Health &a...
Season 2
Episode 3

You're Hired! The Tale of Entrepreneurship by Business Guru, Paul Andrews, CEO of Jobs In Kent
Paul Andrews is a well known businessman in Kent. He speaks candidly about his origins of working at a paper mill, then he progressed into IT and how his knowledge of tech opened up opportunities to FTSE 100 listed companies such as Citibank an...
Season 2
Episode 2

The Rewards of Leadership Within SEN Schools
Today we are speaking with Paul Donkersloot, the CEO of KWEST Multi Academy Trust. Paul is an expert within the SEN education sector, having specialised in SEN and special schools for over 40 years.Paul discussed the challenges to imple...

Education Leaders Round Table January 2021
What happens when you bring five education thought leaders to the table for an open forum of discussion on the challenges of leadership, financial governance and a fair education system for all children?A spectrum of ideas, opinions and...
Season 1
Episode 8

Senior Leadership: Motivations of Teaching, Headship & Leadership within Education
We chat with Andy Riches, ex CEO of LEAP Multi Academy Trust on all things education from his beginnings as an NQT teaching Maths which quickly pivoted into Design &Technology, to his rise through the ranks of Head of Department, to Headtea...
Season 1
Episode 7

The role of a Multi Academy Trust Recruitment Manager: The rewards & challenges
In this episode we welcome Gareth Brisbin, Recruitment Manager of REAch2, the largest primary multi academy Trust in the UK. Gareth talks about what this diverse post entails, the creative methods of talent attraction and how COVID-19 changed t...
Season 1
Episode 6

The rise of Complement Coaching: Its purpose and benefits within the current climate.
In this episode, we speak to Rebecca Shannon, of Complement Coaching, on all things coaching. How her own career has evolved from a variety of management roles within recruitment, spanning 25 years, to becoming a career coach, supporting r...
Season 1
Episode 5

Staying Secure In An Insecure World
An expert in his field, with over 20 years experience, Gary Hibberd, Professor For Communicating Cyber of the Cyberfort Group, discusses how we can protect ourselves, both personally and where we work, from 'cyber criminals' and what to look ou...
Season 1
Episode 4

The Recruitment Landscape Pre & Post COVID19: A view from the top.
Speaking to Steve Brennan, Managing Director of Sue Hill Recruitment & TFPL Recruitment. With a career spanning 25 years, Steve provides a candid perspective on his own personal experience in recruitment. From being a consultant at ground l...
Season 1
Episode 3

The role of HR: Past Present Future
Speaking to Kefi Culkin, a highly experienced HR generalist on how Human Resources was perceived twenty years ago, to its evolvement in becoming a more recognised partnership across sectors in the present day.
Season 1
Episode 2

The changing role of the School Business Manager
Discussion with a seasoned SBM, exploring the importance of this role within Education, not only from providing financial support and advice but playing an evermore strategic role across schools and Trusts. Reviewing the impact of a School Busi...
Season 1
Episode 1